/** * @name WizardUI - Ultimate Edition * @author NEBULYS * @authorLink https://github.com/GoldenLys * @version 1.1 * @invite SBuYeHh * @description An amazing modular and fully customizable theme, made with 💖 by NEBULYS. * @website https://nebulys.eu/ */ @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Source+Sans+Pro:wght@100;200;300;400;500;600;700;800;900&display=swap'); /* Marianne.css This is an addon that adds the Marianne font, you need to change the font variable below to 'Marianne' to see it. @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/addons/Marianne.css"); */ @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/base.css"); /* PurpleServerList.css This is an addon that moves the servers to the top with an horizontal width. */ @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/addons/PurpleServerList.css"); /* TopSidebarShift.css - requires: PurpleServerList An extension of PurpleServerList where the sidebar is moved to the top and the server list shifts accordingly. @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/addons/TopSidebarShift.css"); */ /* LettersInPSL.css - requires: PurpleServerList This is a modification for PurpleServerList which replaces the folders icons with letters. @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/addons/LettersInPSL.css"); */ /* AlternateFoldersInPSL.css - requires: PurpleServerList, LettersInPSL (optionnal) This addon modifies the view of closed folders in PurpleServerList, to make it show the folder icon at the top and the first and second server inside that folder, this is also compatible with the LettersInPSL addon. @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/addons/AlternateFoldersInPSL.css"); */ /* HoverMembers.css This is an addon that makes the members list hidden until you hover it. */ @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/addons/HoverMembers.css"); /* UserIsTyping.css This is an addon that moves the "user is typing" text to the bottom of the app, like the default discord. @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/addons/UserIsTyping.css"); */ /* EvenMoreColors/[number from 1 to 10].css This is an addon that recolors alot of elements in the app with the main theme color but you can even add an RGB animated effect if you change the number before the ".css" (with a maximum of 10 colors). */ @import url("https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/addons/EvenMoreColors/4.css"); :root { /* MAIN VARIABLES */ --AppName: "WizardUI"; --Watermark: "Ultimate"; --font: 'Source Sans Pro', 'emoji', sans-serif; --Text: #F8F8F2; --logo: url(https://goldenlys.github.io/WizardUI/images/logos/3.gif); --sendmessage-text-lines: 8; /* THEME COLORS */ --Primary: rgb(104 76 255); --text-link: var(--Primary); --text-shadow: rgb(0 0 0); --Highlighted: var(--Primary); --MessageHover: var(--grey5); --Unread: rgb(173 16 16); --Hover: rgb(104 76 255 / 35%); --Selected: rgb(104 76 255 / 15%); /* STATUS VARIABLES */ --Online: #8AFF80; --Idle: #99FFEE; --Unavailable: #FF9580; --Offline: rgb(90, 95, 100); --Streaming: #AA99FF; /* BACKGROUNDS */ --background: #28323c; --bg-titlebar: #13181a; --bg-servers: var(--bg-ui); --bg-sendmessage: var(--bg-ui); --bg-ui: hsla(210, 15%, 12%, 1); --bg-chatbox: transparent; --bg-members: var(--bg-ui); --bg-chat-elements: var(--grey5); --bg-settings: var(--bg-ui); --bg-colorprofile: rgb(38 40 64 / 50%); --bg-alt-message: transparent; --bg-unread: rgb(173 16 16 / 70%); /* UI COLOR VARIABLES */ --grey: rgb(39 44 52); --grey5: rgb(39 44 52 / 75%); --darkgrey: rgb(16 18 26); --darkgrey5: rgb(16 18 26 / 75%); --ui-success: rgb(69, 208, 34); --ui-warning: rgb(238, 165, 30); --ui-error: rgb(208, 34, 34); /* SERVER SETTINGS */ --ServerSize: 45px; --ServerPills: var(--Primary); --ServerFoldersColor: var(--Primary); /* ROUNDING */ --Rounding: 5px; --AvatarRounding: var(--Rounding); /* RGB ADDON */ --ColorTime: 5s; --Color2: rgb(89, 78, 255); --Color3: rgb(76, 88, 255); --Color4: rgb(76, 88, 255); --Color5: rgb(0 0 0); --Color6: rgb(0 0 0); --Color7: rgb(0 0 0); --Color8: rgb(0 0 0); --Color9: rgb(0 0 0); --Color10: rgb(0 0 0); /* SHOWN BUTTONS IN THE MESSSAGE BOX Choose between 'none' or 'flex' none will disable / hide the button and flex will make it appear again */ --Show_Gift_Button: none; --Show_GIF_Button: none; --Show_Sticker_Button: none; --Show_Apps_Button: flex; }